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Need a new business bestie?

Perhaps some support to show up & shine as the superb solopreneur you know you can be?

(Yeah, look, I hate the word solopreneur too, but I can’t resist the alliteration)

OK, picture this….

An irate client emails you after hours, DMs you on multiple platforms, tries calling your mobile on repeat. It pushes all of your buttons, hard and fast, and you find yourself spiralling into a tumultuous heap.

You start to question whether you’re really cut out for this, how many more of these you can deal with, and whether you can block this person yet… or if that will provoke them even further and lead them to unleash a new tirade of wrath upon you and your public presence.

Then you remember you’re not alone. You flick me a quick message, fill me in on what’s happening, and together we plan an approach that helps you feel confident in your responses, calmer internally, supported to keep doing all the things you do best…. and much more likely to be able to get to sleep tonight.

\ Boundary coaching and support right when you need it.


You can see everyone around you doing all kinds of amazing things, and think that you should, could, maybe would if you knew how, be doing those things for your business too. But you’re not sure how to apply it to your topic. Or where to start googling to even try and understand the new feature that Instagram just added.

On top of that, how are you supposed to pretzel yourself all over again to create the newest, fanciest, nonsense that the algorithm gods apparently require of you in order to show your content to even 1% of your audience. You find yourself staring at a blank screen with 60 browser tabs open and no idea what to do next.

You get momentarily distracted (who me? yes you) and notice I’ve popped into your messages to see how you’re travelling this week. You share all of the above, I ask a few probing questions to get a sense of how you’d like to move through this, then send you rambling, somewhat entertaining, voice messages, and impromptu instructional videos that go straight to the features you need to know while ignoring the ones you want. Now you have a plethora of ideas, clarity and confidence, without feeling your agency or personal direction for your business has been in any way undermined.

\ Your personal ideas generator and tech wizard.

Sounds like a dream come true right?


Here’s the plan…

This is a six month commitment – because it takes time for us to get to know one another, and time to implement things.

Over that time, you’ll get :

On-demand Voxer support.

Voxer is my platform of choice for this sort of thing because there are no limits on the length of voice messages, and I find that less people tend to use it for every day communication – which means it keeps our businessy chat separate from other things you might be managing at the same time. Some space can be a good thing.

Content coaching

I get that the world of content creation can be wildly overwhelming. With so many creators making so much incredible content, it can be complex to work out how to apply all of those current trends to your own brand. I get it, because I feel it too. And although my brain can get overwhelmed when looking inwards at my own content, apparently it loves creating vast lists of ideas for other people’s brands.

Boundaries coaching + support

Have you got a pissed off customer who read a description incorrectly before purchasing, or has all kinds of “impulse purchase regrets”, despite that beautifully clear refund policy you wrote and shared on every single page… and you’re not sure how to calmly and clearly tell them no? I’ve got you. Take advantage of my Enneagram 8 ability to set boundaries, and then virtually (we’re both staying in our respective homes, in our pyjamas, but I’m with you energetically I promise) hold your hand while you hit send.

Business problem solving

I was that kid at school who loved maths (did two senior-level maths subjects) because problem solving is my jam. I wont take over, push prescriptive solutions on you that are totally out of alignment for who you are as a person, or try and guilt trip you into doing things – I’ll provide options, check in with you to see how they land, and support you in implementing them.

Weekly accountability checkins

This one is up to you. If you’re the sort of person who wants someone to help set concrete goals and check in regularly, I’ll do that for you. If you’re not, and reading this option on the list made you want to close the tab and never talk to me again, trust me, we won’t be doing this one. Consent is key, in every area of our lives, and support is only support…. if it’s supportive.

Marketing strategy

Give me all those wild and juicy dreams you’ve got for your business, and together we’ll work out how to turn it into copy that sounds like you, and marketing that feels juicy and wild, and helps you connect to your dream clients. I live for creating marketing strategies as unique as each brand I work with. Implementing will be up to you, but I believe in working with people who are passionate about what they’re doing and can take a concept and run with it.

So how do we do this?

First up, the investment. 6 x AUD$1000 monthly, including GST.

There’s no ‘buy now’ button, and I’m going to make it slightly difficult for you to apply because I need to know that my preferred method of communication (Voxer) is also going to vibe with you and that we’re a good fit for one another.

This offer takes a lot of energy on my end – which means making sure we work well together is absolutely vital. Once we do that, I’ll be available for you when you need me, and clearly communicate if there are times I can’t be.

So, you need to message me on Voxer (download the app, find me @lissamyah, and send me a message). Voice or text is fine.

Introduce yourself, if we don’t already know each other, and tell me a little about your business. Text me your website and socials, and tell me what you’d love to get out of working together (“I don’t know, I’m just very stuck” is a valid response there).

I’ll message back and we can both get a better sense of whether this is a good fit.

If it’s a “fuck yes!” from both of us, I’ll send you the private link to get the $$ squared away and then we’ll be off and racing.

PS. You can also message me with questions, but the “this needs to happen on Voxer” thing still stands.